M-16 is a beautiful set of Morgan replica coins. With this marvelous set, you’ll be able to turn 4 coins into 16. The coins are manufactured from our brand-new lab using high-quality metal with a special secret formula to achieve this aged effect. This provides a strong sense of authenticity for a perfect result in terms of quality and size.
Previously practicing magician and escape artist, transitioned to Magic Collector for the last 40+ years. In applying an extended hobby of web design and online marketing, Steven Warburton has developed many business related sites and eCommerce sites. Core profession for the last 40 years has been in the Telecommunications / Broadband arena actively working as an executive for a well known Internet/Broadband providers for the United States.
Specification: M-16 Aleksandr Gold
.01 lbs
6 × 5 × 2 in
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