All items are professionally and carefully packaged in a protective wrapping, surrounded with packing materials, such as styrofoam peanuts or some form of bubble wrap style filler, neatly placed into a sturdy box. Each box is sealed using high grade tape across all stress points in an effort to prevent accidental box tears or damage from the shipping processes. Our objective is always to protect your investment from the potential of shipping related damages and as such rest assured your item will be carefully protected.
All shipping costs are determined by the weight, box size required to safety ship, packaging, and insurance. Many buyers forget the packaging costs or added insurance when it comes to the various shipping rates posted. All items are shipped fully insured with each shipment. If you have a question about the cost to ship to your area, please inquire, sometimes a detailed explanation is available from USPS or UPS. Some rural areas of the US have surcharges outside a sellers control.
Liability protection for any damage that would occur during a carrier’s shipping process is NOT included in the shipping costs offered by shipping carrier during checkout. If you would like to insure your item, please do NOT pay immediately and instead request an invoice and insurance can be added to your total.
If you experience damage or loss from the shipping carrier, it is the customer’s responsibility to work with the carrier for recovering of any losses. Important note: each carrier has their own default shipping liability insurance amounts, if no additional shipping insurance above the default was added to the purchased item up to the value or amount paid by the buyer, the variance in value or amount paid is a loss for the buyer.
We reserve the right on high ticket priced magic trick props to require signature at the door before the package can be left or confirmed as delivered for your protection and ours.
IMPORTANT: If you ever feel the shipping cost is too high please ASK. Sometimes a particular carrier’s rural routing or weight assessment is the reason for the costs. We do NOT make any money from shipping and if there’s ever an excess of charges we refund back the difference.
All domestic shipping is processed through either USPS or UPS. Our preferred shipping is UPS due to their baseline minimum insurance coverage of $100 and accurate package tracking.
NO International shipping at this time.
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