Over the last twenty-five years, Tora Magic Company, founded by Hossein Aminipour and lead by Tora Aminipour has been specializing in designing the finest creative magical effects.
I’ve collected many Tora Magic props, some not all listed here and would highly recommend considering adding their props to show or collection. Some props only stay in production for limited time frames so they can continue to move forward with even better designs and creative magic.
Over the last 8 plus years I’ve been an authorized dealer of Tora Magic props. The design and quality Tora and his team place into each of their magic props reminds me of MAK Magic. Just like MAK Magic, when you get some of the Tora Magic props they’re a real joy to look at, display very nicely, and can be very clever in their workings.
Tora Magic is very well known for their feather flower effects. I think many magicians that purchase experience an initial disappointment that when received, the flowers don’t look like the beautiful blooming full flowers in the stock pictures. Rest assured, there’s no false advertising here, you can achieve the same full blooming flower look once you know how. I reached out to Tora to understand their process and while what I will describe below is the “how” it does take trial and error. I would love for Tora’s team who specialize in the flowers to do a YouTube video demonstrating the process.
If you have the patience, getting your Tora Magic flowers to look like the stock picture requires effort and time. First step is to very gently steam the flowers with a clothes steamer. This is a delicate process and you must go slow and steady to be sure you don’t over-steam the flowers. As you steam, the flowers get soft and can be gently molded into shape. You won’t be able to get the full look just steaming the flowers, because the next step is to leave the flowers out, fully extended for a period of time to allow them to fully open up.
Please note, if you feel uncomfortable doing the above steaming process, do NOT attempt and risk potential damage to your flowers.
Visit their online shop here: ToraMagicShop.com
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